View Full Version : My free offer!!

10-14-2008, 02:28 AM
I have one used Flux capacitor that I would like to part with. Although it will not increase your mileage, It will save you in the pocket book.

Simply hook this up to your alternator, get on a strait road, set the date you with to visit, and then accelerate to 88 mph. You will notice, lets say you input the date of 1935, when you get there, that gas is much cheaper. Simply fill your tank, cost about 5 bucks.

Although I am giving this "secret technology" away, before big oil murders me, I will have to charge shipping and handling. PM me for a quote.

I forgot to mention, you will need an alternator that can generate the 1.21 gigawatt's needed to power this FC.

Although I refuse, and I don't care who's commin to kill me, I flat refuse to part with my "Giga-Gen". BUT, I do have an e-book which includes all the plans to build one. Some experimenting may be required. This book comes free for the lucky dog that gets this item.

Water Man has created a Krypton Core, which would save you the pain of building my "Giga-Gen". But, Krypton may be hard to locate.

I'm up for a day or two, so feel free to PM me and I will get it sent out.

10-14-2008, 05:13 AM
I wanna to go to 2012 or somewhere round there when these new GM hydrogen cars coming out!
