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Thread: Acetone added straight to your gas?

  1. #21
    redneckgearhead34 Guest
    Mr. Smith,

    What was your mpg increase? Just curious dont know if I want to try it or not.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canada B.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by mytoyotasucks View Post
    I found that acetone was to haed to keep using, cause it likes to eat plastic, and would eat my funnel.

    and i tried it 2 years ago.

    just found not worth it. just my .06 cents worth.

    Well I find it worth it for sure. For 35 cents/tank of gas I get another 50 Kms/30+ miles per tank.
    Last year I filled up 73 tanks/year = $25.55 for Acetone for which I drove an EXTRA 3,650 KMs/2,190 Miles.

  3. #23
    Smith03Jetta Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by redneckgearhead34 View Post
    Mr. Smith,

    What was your mpg increase? Just curious dont know if I want to try it or not.
    I can't remember now. It seemed to have more power and a few extra MPG. I thought I'd try to get this HHO stuff figured out and then maybe go back to adding some acetone. I quit using Acetone because I didn't want my HHO test results to appear skewed any way by a fuel additive like Acetone.

  4. #24
    Haywire Haywood Guest
    Well, the testing has begun. I put 4oz in my 25 gallon tank today when I filled up. I'll let you know what my mileage turns out to be. Normally I get 15mpg with my 4.6L F150.


  5. #25
    donsimpson12 Guest
    I've been using it off and on for a while now..

    I saw a good boost in MPG for a few tanks and a noticeable increase in power. I have found that almost 2 ounces per 10 gallons in the duramax..

    But.. I did notice this...

    When the weather turned hotter, I wasn't getting the power or the MPG gains as I was when it was cooler in the spring. I was guessing that the acetone was evaporating at a faster rate when summer hit..

    Just something to look for in your testing.

    I also found that I got better gains when using for a tank, then taking a break for a tank.. Then using it again.. ??? Don't know the answer to this part though.. ??

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Here is a pretty good site on the use of acetone in gas and the effects on different model vehicles.


  7. #27
    Haywire Haywood Guest
    Anyone ever thought about combining the acetone and hydrogen? One of those docs says that acetone has a leaning effect on the engine at higher concentrations (1oz per gallon) and they were intentionally inducing a small exhaust leak upstream of the O2 sensor to get the computer to richen the fuel. They claim crazy numbers when doing that... 100%+ mpg increase due to more power and not having to keep the pedal so close to the floor.

    All these sites that claim gov't conspiracy and put out the "they're out to get us" information always smack of BS to me. Anytime I see big claims and "they're hiding it from us" together automatically puts the claims in question.


  8. #28
    Riddler250 Guest
    What if you added acetone to the cell in very small parts to keep the water from freezing. I wonder if the acetone would improve economy that way?

  9. #29
    Smith03Jetta Guest
    Since I'm currently trying to fix my NaOH vapor problem that's messing up my aluminum parts, I thought I'd do a test with the Acetone. I'm not running HHO so now would be a perfect time to test the Acetone for MPG results. 1.5oz per 10 gallons.

  10. #30 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Smith03Jetta View Post
    Since I'm currently trying to fix my NaOH vapor problem that's messing up my aluminum parts, I thought I'd do a test with the Acetone. I'm not running HHO so now would be a perfect time to test the Acetone for MPG results. 1.5oz per 10 gallons.
    Your scaring me, what is your vapor problem?

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