When I first learned of HHO I stood over a plastic jar encased generator and bubbler. I pulled the small tube out of the bubbler (folgers can w/ water) and commenced to try to light it as I pinched off the tube so I didn't lose any gas(picture; building pressure as my junk lighter try's to light). I thought it was a hoax and also thought that I might be just boiling the water a little bit. Well...I was officially educated. It was a good thing it was a plastic jar. It was an amazing thing to live thru. I was only bleeding a little bit and the swelling on my neck and forehead went down in a couple days. I then proceeded to pick up what was left of my very first generator (I miss that thing, sniff...) from a radius of over 15 yards. From that day on, I was officially hooked. I KNEW this was the real deal!!! That was about 7 months ago and now, three running HHO hybrids later, all is good.