Anyone have a good way of reducing the amount of foam in an HHO Cell? As many of us know, this can be a problem if the foam gets into the exhaust port of the cell, and into the bubbler. I have an idea, but have not tried it yet.

Basically, you have two wire mesh screens, spaced about 1/8" apart with a good way of seperating them so they NEVER touch(spark, BOOM). These screens are positioned above the water level, but below the exhaust port. These screens have battery voltage applied directly to them(~13V). My "theory" is that as the foam from the plates starts to rise, the bubbles will start touching the first plate... rise a little, then touch the second plate too. This "high" should allow large amounts of current to flow through the bubbles, and pop them as the come in contact with the second plate. The result, is limiting the foam to the second plate, ensuring that no foam gets into the exhaust port, and into your bubbler. This is assuming that you never hit any bumps in the road and slosh the electrolyte! There are ways to minimize sloshing, however.

I would try this, but it's about 105°F outside, and I sure don't want to mess with it. How about some of our friends in the more northern(cooler) latitudes try this?