Hello HHO fellahs! MY name is Eric, and i've been getting into the HHO stuff since about a week ago.

I built a very rough and crude HHO system using 4 stainless angled plate, 1/8" gap, and no neutrals. Here is a video of my simple design.


So, from my understanding, the more Nuetral plates you add, the less voltage draw to the + and - plates, right?

How about amps? I had to use some battery cables to test out my HHO system because i cooked some 12awg wire. Any ideas on a dial or something to adjust he amps putting out?

Any ideas on adjusting voltage put out? I was thinking if i had a dial, i can see how much amps and voltage works best with my truck.

Also, about how long does your water reservoir last? I been playing around with mine and haven't seen a water drop at all.

My truck also has a 2 hose intake. Think i should build 2 HHO's or just use a Y harness for the hose to separate?