Hi ,

Some update here , I put my dry-cell on my car . My car is a 1999 toyota corolla with 215 000 km on it . It work good and I got about 6.8 l/100 km on my normal commute to work before the install

For the moment I put about 24 spoons of KOH in a big masson jar and this is what go on my generator .

Unfornutaly , i Got some brown deposit (like sand) in my generator's tank , here is the first question : Is it because I have 126 ppm water or it is something else?

For the moment I dont put my Map enhencer , I want to run some test before adding this feature . I dont know if my computer will detect the sensor as faulty since the O2 sensor will probably smell a little bit more oxygen .

And the last question for the moment : Is 600 ml/ minutes enough to make a difference ? On a website I found that the range of efficiency is 1/4 to 1/2 the size of your engine per minute , I have 1/3 for now . are they right?

I'll try to put a video soon , Thanks you