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Thread: I'm new here, please be easy on me. :)

  1. #81
    lhazleton, Thank you for the comment....

    I remember back in 2008 I built 3 wet cells out of 4" PVC and cover plates, I opened my hood and said where am I going to put these things, The price of gas went down and I still have them in my garage.

    So this time I have to follow through, I talked a lot of BS to my friends the last time and even more BS this time so I got to get this working steady.

    I didn't get a chance today to go to the fish store I will in the morning and get this hooked up.

    My window works like brand new and a $140 less in my pocket....

    Also I had to take one of the barbs off, when I put the coupling on I stripped the threads a little, only thing I have now is a straight brass one.

    Watching gas gauge too much..... I'm going nuts....

    Ok I got a question:

    I have access to 4 different gaskets.

    1. The original gaskets, Black, that came with the units
    2. Smaller OD, a litter thicker, Black.
    3. Smaller OD than original, Orange and thick
    4. Again Smaller OD, Thick round and orange.

    How does plate spacing effect HHO output?

    I will get pictures.
    Kelly Donner

  2. #82
    Ok, I got 2 different stones, a blue and tan in color has a longer tube coming out of it, but the size is 1/4 inch vs my 3/8 hose.... I thought I was slick, I cut a small piece of hose off and I took out small section and placed the piece and the stone inside the hose and tighten it down, leaked.... I took plumbers tape and built it up around the tube of the stone, still the hho was not passing through the stone, it was leaking at the base of the stone. I tried the other stone which has a smaller tube with same results,,,, I need a reducer coming off my coupling and run the correct size hole.....

    Still hooked it up and reset the chip again..... Looks like my last 70mile run which is when I just picked up the car from the shop doesn't look good via my gas gauge. I will fill and run another test.....

    I'm trying to get some what consistent readings, this going all over the chart is frustrating.

    I got pictures of the o-rings so again what effect does plate spacing on HHO output?

    Also I showed the High Dens Plastic for my end caps and one of my plates..
    Kelly Donner

  3. #83
    Alrighty then.....

    I got the bubblier together yesterday I run a larger hose to the stone which didn't work so today I got an adapter to run a smaller hose inside the bubblier. Here is a video of it.

    I also lost my water out the bubblier, must have had a leak.... I used silicone to seal the bottom rubber cap to the bubblier.... hope this helps
    Kelly Donner

  4. #84

    Watching the gas gauge..... Looks promising so far...... I will fill up today and see my results.

    Kelly Donner

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