Well guys, I have received my plates finally (at the cost of an arm). They are 6x6 with 1x1 tabs on opposite corners. They are 316L SS.

So I went and bought the other stuff I needed.

Then I spent 1.5 hours cutting rubber mat. It was easy at first but after a while that job really sucks. But now I have 18 6x6 rubber gaskets, 1/2 inch wide. some aren't so perfect, but I did what I could.

This weekend I am going to use a friend of mines cnc machine to drill the cutting boards. I want them to come out right and don't feel like using the drill press for the 108 holes and trying to get them perfect.

I have some pics But they are over the limits of the forum. Sorry guys. The pics are about 100 kb each. I will take more later at lowered resolution if you want to see it. I know this is not a big amazing unit but I quite proud of it.