identify with Illinois This Society also sent to

ent of the old Missionary Society of Connecticut On his first missionary tour, in 1812, Samuel J Mills stopped at Shawneetown, and preached and organized a Bible Society; but he did not go across the State to St Louis, as he had intended, because of the reported unsafety of the trip But, upon his second visit, two years later, in company with Daniel Smith, he did risk the journey At Kasknskia, Governor Edwards generously entertained the object of their mission; and FatliT Lippincott, in his historical sermon, says: "The missionaries made a deep impression upon the Governor's family" Finding only four or five Bibles among the hnndred families of that old French capital, they consorted with the Governor in organizing a Bible Society there Going over the river to St Louis, which they found to be a village of 2,000 inhabitants, three fourths of whom were French Catholics, they preached the first Protestant sermons on the west side of the Mississippi; they consulted with Governor Clark upon their missionary scheme: organized a Bible Society; prepared the way for the coming of a missionary pastor for that town, and then went on down the river, to preach the first Protestant sunnons, and to organize the first Presbyterian churches in Natchez and New Orleans Dr Palmer, in a recent commemorative discourse, candidly Deported the founding of his church by Congregational enterprise As one result of that tour of exploration, early in 181G Salmon Oiddings from Andover, a cousin of the great Commoner, Joshua, came on, located at St Louis, developed his own first Presbyterian church there, and became a very apostle in all that region, on both sides of the river, so that, in the twelve years of his pastorate in St Louis, he had organized a whole Presbytery of churches, six of them in Missouri and eight in Illinois And all this time, up to the day of his death, he was under commission of that Connecticut Society,Prada Outlet making stated reports to it, which,'in the Binnplixt, read like an IliadUp to the time of organizing the National Society, tlcj Connecticut Society had, sent to Illinois the following named missionaries: Rev Orcn Fowler, sent to Indiana and Illinois; Revs Edward Hollistcr and Daniel Gould, from Andover, commissioned for Illinois anil Burberry OutletMissouri, the Society refusing to send one man to a field so limited as was either State alone; Revs Oreu Catlin and Daniel Sprague, commissioned to labor "in the United States west of the Allcghanies;" RevCheap Beats By Dre Isaac Heed, wMichael Kors Outletho gave most of his time to Indiana, but who organized the church at Paris; while the eloquent Sylvester Lamed had been directed to visit Vincennes and Kaskaskia, on his way to the pastorate in New Orleans, wHerve Leger Dresseshere the good Elias Conu-lini had followed with some Christian culture the planting of Samuel J Mills From 1820 to 1830 this Society sent fifteen men to Indiana, Illinois Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee; only one of whom I have been able to identify with Illinois This Society also sent to Illinois ami MisCeline Bagssouri seven others, nearly all of whom passed o

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